concrete dust

2017, 4K video, 23’52”, color, sound

Smoke rises in front of the facade of a prefab building. A tracked vehicle crawls across a construction site. The sound of a construction worker’s hammer hitting a metal surface on the roof of the prefab building can be heard. Among ruins and remnants from the Soviet era, a cowherd gallops around his herd. Lenin stands stoically on a pedestal, his right hand raised in a silent greeting. A shaman lights a juniper bush and smokes the engine of a car, while reciting a prayer. In a blue hallway, two patients wait. Through the walls, the sounds of a cleansing ritual can be discerned. In the treatment room, a woman sits with a shaman, while the latter braids a red thread around her hands. “Concrete Dust” (2017) is a tapestry of snapshots in a post-Soviet periphery. Pastel colors, dusty surfaces, and folkloric artifacts characterize the images. The individual scenes are marked by a state of inertia and stagnation.

concrete dust